Most landscape beds utilize a top-dress material. This may be either a decorative rock or shredded mulch. If decorative rock is used , you will need a synthetic fabric. This will be your weed barrier at the surface. Even with this material, some airborne weeds can land in the bed and cause a small amount of weed growth. The best way to prevent this is to use a granular Pre-Emergent Herbicide in early spring and early summer to help control weed growth.
If shredded mulch is chosen, no synthetic fabric is used. Pre-emergent herbicide is applied at the time of installation and must be re-applied at least two to three times during growing season to help control weed growth. Remember that Pre-emergent only prevents new weeds from sprouting up and does not kill or contain existing or rooted in weeds. Since mulch will compost or decay, over time it must be periodically top dressed with additional mulch to maintain sufficient depth and a fresh appearance.
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